Privacy Policy

As a result of the new GDPR regulations which came into force on 25th May 2018 this page is intended to make clear what data we hold in order that we remain compliant with the new regulations.

The statement consists of three parts, information we hold on customers and how we may use it, information we hold on others and how we may use it, and details of software and online applications where data may be held.

Laptopbitz Limited is a UK Limited company. Our registered office is at 8 Chisnall Brook Close, Haskyane, Downholland, Lancashire, L39 7AB and you can contact us at this address.

Anyone may request a copy of the information we hold on them at any time and we will supply this within twenty eight days. Should you wish to contact us for any reason please email If you wish to write to us you can do so at Laptopbitz Limited, 8 Chisnall Brook Close, Haskyane, Downholland, Lancashire, L39 7AB. Your query will be dealt with by the site administrator.

Any personal information we hold will be deleted on request.

If you are considering asking for your data deleted it may help you to read the following article on the Information Commissioners website –


We may hold the following information on customers:

Name, address, telephone number or numbers, gender, email address, employer. We also hold details of any items you have ordered and accounting details. We also may hold data in the form of photographs usually where we have had contact via social media.

This information is currently held in paper records and also on various computers. Some information is held on our web site.

We use this information to maintain contact with customers and to assist when fulfilling orders.

We will not normally release any of your personal information to a third party. GDPR sets out a number of reasons why we may release data, for example if requested to do so by the authorities.

Information we hold on others:

We may hold similar information on other individuals as we do for customers, as already described above. This would usually consist of as name, address, telephone number and email address and would be held normally just for day to day communication.

Email Alerts:

If you have subscribed to our email alerts we will may store your name (or nickname if you prefer) and email address. You can unsubscribe any time using the unsubscribe link on the email and your name if supplied and email address will be deleted from our Email Alert database. Alternatively email us and we will manually remove your alert.

Social Media, Cookies and Apps

We use Facebook, Twitter, our own website and may in future use other social media applications. We do not normally collect personal data via these apps except where this is given to us in the form of email or messages.

Our web site uses cookies, but these are used purely for data analysis or to improve the user experience. We do not collect any personal data via our web site.